Message from Russell’s Hall Hospital

Over the next week Russells Hall Hospital will be undergoing some works that will impact the Paediatrics Emergency Department and the capacity that is available. 

These works are scheduled to take place from Thursday 25th July until Wednesday 31st July. 

Due to these works, it may mean that waiting times are slightly longer and we may have increased occupancy at our sites as we manage the works and ensure patient safety. Please be mindful when referring patients and explore other areas of intervention where possible. 

During this time, we ask for your support to help patients access the right services and for the emergency department to remain available for those patients that need it most. 

We will be using our communication channels to share messages with patients and the public on alternatives to A&E and encourage you to do the same. A communications toolkit is available here for you to share messages on your own platforms.  

Your support during this time is greatly appreciated.